How to deal with the emotions of your team

As humans – we are going to be emotional. However, problems occur when we get too involved with the emotion of a situation and don’t maintain good boundaries. So we can end up acting like our teams parents or their cheerleaders and it moves us away from our requirement for them to perform a certain…

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Dealing with DOUBT as a leader

leadership skills

A conversation I find myself having with lots of clients is around doubt. Doubting the feelings that we’re having as a leader, doubting whether it’s okay to want the things we want, and that we want things done in a certain way and doubting whether it’s okay to have that feeling. Additionally, is it okay…

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How to feel real abundance in your business

✨✨Abundance✨✨ We hear that word A LOT in the online business space. But aside from the 6 or 7 (or 8!) figure biz, sold out programs, endless wait lists and perfect wardrobes with super slick REELS…. 👉 What do YOU really need to feel abundant? Because all of the above is the shell.  The outside…

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Is today the day you get back in control?

Is today the day you need to get back in control? You’ve finally got yourself into the right flow (to and mental space to step into your CEO power and do what you know you need to do…when an email drops in from a team member with a problem.  Maybe they want a pay rise,…

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Without goals your team is blind

without goals your team is blind

Are your team walking blind in the woods? >> Goals >>  Love them or hate them, without big business AND individual goals >> you are sabotaging the success of your team As an entrepreneur it’s likely that you have the big goals for yourself part down pat. As a high achiever, this part comes naturally…

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What are you accepting & why

Is this going to be yet another day/week/month when you feel disappointed with what you get from your team? If last week you found yourself ➡️ disappointed ➡️ frustrated or  ➡️ annoyed  with someone on your team (or maybe your whole team)  And let’s say this feeling popped up more than TWICE… Then it’s time…

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How often do you acknowledge your team?

As a fast growing entrepreneur, you are no doubt used to setting big goals and driving an “always improving” culture for yourself and your team. So I want to check in and see if you’ve stopped to say a personal Thank You to every single one of your team? I know, you have a to-do…

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