with your host

Paula Maidens

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Episode 138 - Client Lesson #6: Preparing for Holidays (so you can actually relax!)

In this episode, Paula dives into the essential steps for business owners to take a well-deserved holiday without the stress of constantly checking in. Paula shares practical advice on how to set up your team for success and ensure you can genuinely relax while away.

Episode #137 - Dealing with Stress, Overwork & Burnout with Dr Hayley Kelly

Today’s guest with Paula Maidens is Dr Hayley Kelly, a clinical psychologist and business coach, shares her journey of overcoming stress and burnout and offers insights on managing stress as an entrepreneur.

Episode #136 - Client Lesson #5: Delegating leadership within your team

In this client lesson, Paula talks about delegating leadership and how it is important as your business grows, and requires clear communication and specific expectations. When empowering someone else to lead, it's crucial to ensure they operate in the same way and have the necessary skills. Without proper development and guidance, performance can suffer.

Episode #135 - The Impact of Team Effectiveness on Your Clients & Your Brand

In this episode, Paula Maidens explores the impact of effective team management on brand experience through real-life observations of two very different renovation teams on her street.

Episode 134 - Client Lesson #4: There is ALWAYS light at the end of the tunnel

In this client lesson, Paula shares an inspiring lesson from one of her recent private clients who has come to the end of her first round of private coaching working with Paula. She reflects on the progress of the client who, after three months of targeted coaching, transformed her perspective and management of her business.

Episode 133 - EOFY Reflections: Revenue is down but my WAGE IS UP

In this episode, Paula reflects on the past 12 months in her business and shares her end-of-financial year review. She discusses the decline in revenue but emphasises that she paid herself more in wages compared to the previous year, which is more important to her.

Episode 132 - Client Lesson #3: Why You Must TEST In Your Hiring Process (& how to feel good about it!)

In this conversation, Paula discusses the common feeling of “being mean” or “awkward” during the hiring process when including a test and offers the reframe that the idea of testing candidates can be kind and mutually beneficial practice.

Episode #131 - BTS of My Recent Filipino VA Hire & 4 Top Tips for You To Do It Too!

In this episode, Paula shares her behind-the-scenes experience of hiring a Filipino virtual assistant, providing an in-depth look at the hiring process and valuable insights for businesses considering hiring virtual assistants from the Philippines.

Episode #130 - Client Lesson #2: Common Hiring Mistakes You Can Avoid

This lesson dives into the importance of creating an effective application screening process to quickly identify suitable candidates for a role. Emphasising the need to avoid getting distracted by a candidate's potential and to focus on the must-have criteria.

Episode 129 - Struggling to FIND quality applicants & stand out to potential employees? Here’s what to do

In this episode, Paula Maidens dives into a common challenge many business owners face: struggling to find the right candidates for their job openings.

Episode #128 - Client Lesson #1: Delegating EMAIL in a way that's easy (for you!)

Entrepreneurs and business owners of all sizes often struggle with delegating tasks, especially when it comes to delegating the management of their emails. Today’s lesson dives into how you can keep this simple by identifying repetitive tasks and creating clear rules, delegation can become easier and more efficient.

Episode #127 - Why Hiring is Different In 2024 (& Why You Need to Get It Right For Small Business Success!)

In this episode, Paula Maidens delves into the essential strategies for achieving hiring success as a small business owner in 2024. Whether you're looking to hire your first team member or improve your hiring process, this episode is packed with actionable tips tailored for small business owners.

Episode #126 - The impact STRESS has on you & your business

In this episode of Big Dreams Great Teams‪®‬, I am joined by Aubrey Nation, a Registered Nurse, Yoga and Meditation Teacher and Wellness Expert who specialises in Functional Genetic Testing. Aubrey shares her insights on personalised health, functional genetic testing and what the impact of stress can be on our health as entrepreneurs.

Episode #125 - Unlocking the Secrets to A High Performance Team Culture

In this episode, we dive into the relationship between a high performing team and culture. There are many different ways of looking at this and I explore ‘Does high performance come from a good culture?’ Or, ‘Does culture drive high performance?’

Episode #124 - Why These 5 Words Are Music To My Ears

In this episode, I discuss the importance of fostering an environment in your business where team members feel empowered to take initiative and make decisions, particularly in busy or peak times.

Episode #113- When is it time to FIRE someone?

In this episode Paula dives into the common question of “When it is the right time to let someone go” along with all those other common questions about firing including "How much time is reasonable" "How do you know enough is enough" etc etc!

You'll hear the important considerations you need to take into account including the importance of being clear about expectations and responsibilities and giving someone the opportunity to change and improve before making this big decision.

Episode #122 - How to Overcome These 2 Common Business Challenges

In today’s episode, I discuss two common business challenges that have been a theme for many of my clients in the first quarter of 2024. I talk about how to manage team members you feel are performing at an average or below-average level, and how to evaluate your team costs and efficiency, particularly in the context of potential changes in revenue.

Episode #121 - How much should you pay?

In this episode, I talk about how to determine appropriate pay structures for your team members, and how it can impact your team dynamics and business outcomes. I explore some of the intricacies of underpaying and overpaying for a role, and explain why it is important to align pay rates with market research, financial feasibility, and the role's inherent value within your business.

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