Mastering Boundaries: A Key to Sustainable Success for Female Entrepreneurs

Mastering Boundaries: A Key to Sustainable Success for Female Entrepreneurs

As female entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves navigating a myriad of challenges as we strive to build a successful and sustainable businesses. Among these challenges, one that stands out as crucial to our well-being and productivity is mastering boundaries. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of boundaries in creating a business and life…

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Mastering Delegation: 7 Steps to Breaking The Cycle of Overwork

Mastering Delegation: The 7 Steps to Breaking The Cycle of Overwork.

As a female entrepreneur with a service-based business, you’re passionate about what you do. You’ve poured your heart and soul into building your company from the ground up, and your hard work has paid off with steady growth. However, along with success comes the inevitable challenge of managing an ever-expanding workload.  If you find yourself…

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5 Hiring Myths that you NEED to ignore

Over the years, I have heard some pretty wild things about hiring… How to do it When to do it Why to do it… And two of my favourites… Why YOU should NOT be the one to do it … (ahem YES you should). How it’s all such a guess and it’s a 50/50 of…

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It’s time to take time OUT of your business

It’s time to take time OUT of your business Recently, three of my clients have been working towards taking uncontactable time out of their business and we’ve been working together on strategies and actions to make sure this is a success. (And by success… I mean YOU relaxing and the BUSINESS thriving) And as a…

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Don’t hire them because you like them

The #1 biggest hiring mistake that I often see with my clients is that they have hired someone because they liked them. Rather than, going through the hiring assessment process properly and hiring someone that they KNOW WITH CONFIDENCE can do exactly what they need them to do and exactly how they want it to…

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Don’t hire unicorns

Let’s chat about a pet peeve of mine – and that is this concept of finding a unicorn team member. There are a few reasons why you DON’T want to go out in search of a Unicorn and then hire what you think is a unicorn. Let’s dive into this. Firstly – Unicorns don’t exist.…

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