Don’t hire unicorns

Let’s chat about a pet peeve of mine – and that is this concept of finding a unicorn team member. There are a few reasons why you DON’T want to go out in search of a Unicorn and then hire what you think is a unicorn. Let’s dive into this. Firstly – Unicorns don’t exist.…

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How to stop fixing your team’s mistakes

I think it’s safe to say that this is everyone’s bugbear.  “How can I stop finding and fixing my teams mistakes?” Let’s set the scene >> You want your time back   >> So you’ve hired someone and handed over a bunch of work… >> And now…you are spending all your time finding and fixing…

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The 2 Key Elements to Successful 7 Figure Teams

Alot of the clients I speak to are scaling from multiple 6 figures to 7 figures – or they are scaling to multiple 7 figures and they come to me because it’s feeling messy and the people side is feeling hard. Often – people come to me thinking the issue they have is a recruitment…

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How to get enough time to focus on ‘team’


You’re currently bogged down in all the things. You are  successful business owner,  a successful CEO, with a clear idea of your zone of genius and you know the multimillionaire version of you is waiting to step forward. But let’s pause there. To do that….you need to stop the story that you “don’t have time…

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How to deal with the emotions of your team

As humans – we are going to be emotional. However, problems occur when we get too involved with the emotion of a situation and don’t maintain good boundaries. So we can end up acting like our teams parents or their cheerleaders and it moves us away from our requirement for them to perform a certain…

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Dealing with DOUBT as a leader

leadership skills

A conversation I find myself having with lots of clients is around doubt. Doubting the feelings that we’re having as a leader, doubting whether it’s okay to want the things we want, and that we want things done in a certain way and doubting whether it’s okay to have that feeling. Additionally, is it okay…

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How to feel real abundance in your business

✨✨Abundance✨✨ We hear that word A LOT in the online business space. But aside from the 6 or 7 (or 8!) figure biz, sold out programs, endless wait lists and perfect wardrobes with super slick REELS…. 👉 What do YOU really need to feel abundant? Because all of the above is the shell.  The outside…

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Is today the day you get back in control?

Is today the day you need to get back in control? You’ve finally got yourself into the right flow (to and mental space to step into your CEO power and do what you know you need to do…when an email drops in from a team member with a problem.  Maybe they want a pay rise,…

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Why emotional hiring decisions will end up making you cry

Do you know why you’re so resistant to the hiring process? It’s not actually about the time. Or about writing the job ad.  Or about making space for interviews in your already packed-out calendar. It’s about the feelings.  Because hiring is an emotional process.  In fact, it’s kind of similar to dating. 😬 💌 You’re…

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