It’s time to take time OUT of your business

It’s time to take time OUT of your business Recently, three of my clients have been working towards taking uncontactable time out of their business and we’ve been working together on strategies and actions to make sure this is a success. (And by success… I mean YOU relaxing and the BUSINESS thriving) And as a…

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How to stop fixing your team’s mistakes

I think it’s safe to say that this is everyone’s bugbear.  “How can I stop finding and fixing my teams mistakes?” Let’s set the scene >> You want your time back   >> So you’ve hired someone and handed over a bunch of work… >> And now…you are spending all your time finding and fixing…

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How to deal with the emotions of your team

As humans – we are going to be emotional. However, problems occur when we get too involved with the emotion of a situation and don’t maintain good boundaries. So we can end up acting like our teams parents or their cheerleaders and it moves us away from our requirement for them to perform a certain…

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Dealing with DOUBT as a leader

leadership skills

A conversation I find myself having with lots of clients is around doubt. Doubting the feelings that we’re having as a leader, doubting whether it’s okay to want the things we want, and that we want things done in a certain way and doubting whether it’s okay to have that feeling. Additionally, is it okay…

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Tired of mistakes? Ask, don’t tell.

A constant challenge I hear from my clients, is how to get their team tracking to their goals and stop having to fix their mistakes. If you feel like this, don’t worry, it’s totally normal! This is a challenge all successful, highly capable entrepreneurs experience when managing their team. So, let me introduce you to…

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10 Leadership Lessons from a Yoga Class

Yoga – Leadership – Business What’s the connection? Is there a connection? The journey of business is a journey of learning how to be a great leader, and we can draw on so many lessons from yoga. People used to think that Yoga was for hippies, or only for very-flexible 20-something young women. As a…

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