Prioritising Your Never Ending To Do List

Are you struggling to juggle a never-ending to-do list?  You’re not alone!  It’s so easy as a female entrepreneur, juggling work, life, and family to drop into overwhelm with the sheer volume of tasks demanding our attention.  For me, the only thing that supports me when that so-much-to-do feeling creeps… is to focus on prioritisation.…

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Mastering Delegation: 7 Steps to Breaking The Cycle of Overwork

Mastering Delegation: The 7 Steps to Breaking The Cycle of Overwork.

As a female entrepreneur with a service-based business, you’re passionate about what you do. You’ve poured your heart and soul into building your company from the ground up, and your hard work has paid off with steady growth. However, along with success comes the inevitable challenge of managing an ever-expanding workload.  If you find yourself…

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It’s time to take time OUT of your business

It’s time to take time OUT of your business Recently, three of my clients have been working towards taking uncontactable time out of their business and we’ve been working together on strategies and actions to make sure this is a success. (And by success… I mean YOU relaxing and the BUSINESS thriving) And as a…

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How much space do you have?

Diary, laptop, coffee mug, workstation

When was the last time you asked yourself, or reviewed how much SPACE you have in your business, in your day and in your life? If it’s been a while, this is a reminder for you to ask yourself: >> Are you always racing against the clock? >> Working backwards from deadlines and only getting…

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How to feel real abundance in your business

✨✨Abundance✨✨ We hear that word A LOT in the online business space. But aside from the 6 or 7 (or 8!) figure biz, sold out programs, endless wait lists and perfect wardrobes with super slick REELS…. 👉 What do YOU really need to feel abundant? Because all of the above is the shell.  The outside…

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Is today the day you get back in control?

Is today the day you need to get back in control? You’ve finally got yourself into the right flow (to and mental space to step into your CEO power and do what you know you need to do…when an email drops in from a team member with a problem.  Maybe they want a pay rise,…

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Well this is a little bit exciting 🎉 This has been in my heart for a while and I’m so excited to let you know that my new podcast – Big Dreams Great Teams – is now live! This podcast is going to be your go-to place for all things business, people and leadership With…

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Is it time to challenge your beliefs?

Challenging your beliefs is damn well uncomfortable. But when you are expanding your BUSINESS, you are expanding your SELF And when you are expanding your SELF you need to look inwards to find the resistance And face it head on We ALL have established beliefs about what we think ‘needs’ to happen in our business…

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Should you offshore your tasks?

A common topic that comes up with many of my clients is “should I offshore some of my team?” This may look something like considering an offshore Virtual Assistant or looking at outsourcing your podcast production to an offshore expert. It’s an interesting topic and one that certainly isn’t new.  In 2014, I actually ventured…

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