What are you accepting & why

Is this going to be yet another day/week/month when you feel disappointed with what you get from your team? If last week you found yourself ➡️ disappointed ➡️ frustrated or  ➡️ annoyed  with someone on your team (or maybe your whole team)  And let’s say this feeling popped up more than TWICE… Then it’s time…

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How often do you acknowledge your team?

As a fast growing entrepreneur, you are no doubt used to setting big goals and driving an “always improving” culture for yourself and your team. So I want to check in and see if you’ve stopped to say a personal Thank You to every single one of your team? I know, you have a to-do…

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Are you making your leadership too personal?

Team Leadership

As entrepreneurs, we are often trying to juggle all the things to ensure our business is running in top gear – and this includes making sure our team is happy. Sometimes we focus so much on ensuring our team is highly engaged that it can actually be to our – and their – detriment. Not sure…

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Tired of mistakes? Ask, don’t tell.

A constant challenge I hear from my clients, is how to get their team tracking to their goals and stop having to fix their mistakes. If you feel like this, don’t worry, it’s totally normal! This is a challenge all successful, highly capable entrepreneurs experience when managing their team. So, let me introduce you to…

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Why Every Team Member Needs Goals & Key Performance Indicators

Why Every Team Member Needs Goals & Key Performance Indicators.

It’s a common question (or objection) that I discuss with many clients and prospects… “Goals & KPI’s….Really? Are they really necessary? But we are only a small business? But it’s just me and a few others, everyone knows what they need to do”. My response? YES. It’s that simple.  Every single person who is on…

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10 Leadership Lessons from a Yoga Class

Yoga – Leadership – Business What’s the connection? Is there a connection? The journey of business is a journey of learning how to be a great leader, and we can draw on so many lessons from yoga. People used to think that Yoga was for hippies, or only for very-flexible 20-something young women. As a…

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The Secret to Motivating Employees?

I read an interesting Harvard Business Review Article this morning by Frederick Herzberg titled ‘How do you Motivate Employees’ . As a business owner and a coach to many clients with large numbers of employees, fighting to reduce employee turnover, it’s certainly a relevant topic and ongoing challenge for most people I speak to on…

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