with your host

Paula Maidens

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Episode #50 - Hiring Friends : The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

As an entrepreneur & CEO the idea of hiring friends may seem like the perfect solution to needing instant business support from someone you trust. We’ve all fantasised about the fun to be had - office chats, bestie breaks & post work margs - but is it really as idyllic as it sounds? Dive in for the good, bad & ugly when it comes to hiring friends to support your business.

Episode #49 - Why Most People Get Hiring Wrong (and how to avoid that)

In this episode I share the reason most people hire the wrong people and how you can ensure as a CEO and entrepreneur that you don’t. So if you’ve found yourself asking “where are all the good people hiding”, made some less than amazing hires or you’re simply too scared or unsure where to start with hiring, this episode’s for you.

Episode #48 - How to avoid difficult conversations with your team

I'm sharing the secret to avoiding difficult conversations with your team. As a business entrepreneur and CEO managing a team, those awkward conversations often feel inevitable and like a thorn in your side. So if you have frustrations or resentment building about how someone on your team is performing, this episode is for you.

Episode #47 - What is NOT Hiring Well Costing You?

As entrepreneurs & CEOs we all want to hire A-Players. However, so many accept the status quo, always waiting for a ‘better time’ to hire. This happens in two ways - managing the workload yourself because it's easier or hiring ad hoc support & crossing your fingers. So in this ep, I cut through these limiting stories & share why they might be costing you.

Episode #46 - Are you hiring STRATEGICALLY or EMOTIONALLY?

When growing a team I often see people making fast hiring decisions to #getitdone, yet it often results in emotional or accidental hiring decisions that ultimately don’t work out. So in today’s episode, I discuss the difference between making a strategic hiring decision versus the emotional or accidental ones.

Episode #45 - How your Belief & Intention may be sabotaging your success

It’s easy to overlook how our beliefs and intentions influence how we operate in our role as leaders. Your beliefs and intentions show up in your hiring, delegating, rewarding, acknowledging, performance and communication - so it’s essential to check in and ensure they are working for you, not against you. Tune in to dial up both your leadership and your team’s productivity in no time.

Episode #44 - Lessons from growing your remote team from 9-22 in < 12 months with 7-Figure entrepreneur Sarah Parkinson

If you’re a CEO or entrepreneur who is building your team and scaling your business, then this episode shares the kind of behind the scenes insight that is priceless. I chat with 7 figure entrepreneur, Sarah Parkinson, who has not only scaled her business from 9 to 22 team members, but also acquired two new businesses within the last 12 months. Listen in for all the juicy details so you can benefit from Sarah’s experience and minimise possible pitfalls for yourself.

Episode #43 - "The Four Management Styles - Which One Are You?

If you feel disappointed or frustrated with the way someone on your team - or maybe your whole team - are performing, this episode is for you. I dive into the 4 different styles of management - and how and when you should shift in between these styles to bring out the best in each individual on your team.

Balancing investing, profitability & paying yourself and why you should ditch the rules with Jazze Jervis

I welcome back 7 fig business coach, Jazze Jervis to riff on all things investing in team, balancing profitability and why business is not one size fits all. Jazze believes we are here to take up space and not be confined by the boxes society can put us in and wants to empower more women to lead lives they not only desire, but deserve. So if you’re in need of a megadose of business truthbombs that will elevate your awareness and shift you into greater alignment, tune in.

Episode #41 - How to Write an Enticing Job Ad to Attract Quality Applicants

You’ve taken the plunge, decided to hire & posted your ad. The anticipation for adding support & scaling your biz is high. You check the ad often, excited to see who applies. Yet…nothing. If this is relatable, you have no doubt asked “where are all the awesome people hiding” or “how do I get people to see my ad & apply?” This episode answers those questions & more, dive in.

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