Prioritising Your Never Ending To Do List

Are you struggling to juggle a never-ending to-do list?  You’re not alone!  It’s so easy as a female entrepreneur, juggling work, life, and family to drop into overwhelm with the sheer volume of tasks demanding our attention.  For me, the only thing that supports me when that so-much-to-do feeling creeps… is to focus on prioritisation.…

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Why A Values Statement Is Important

It is easy to think that things like a mission statement or values statement are only important in large corporates. Words on a page or on a wall or drafted for marketing purposes to ultimately sell or promote more. But, they are an incredibly important part of the backbone of your team. Your VALUES.  Your…

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How to feel real abundance in your business

✨✨Abundance✨✨ We hear that word A LOT in the online business space. But aside from the 6 or 7 (or 8!) figure biz, sold out programs, endless wait lists and perfect wardrobes with super slick REELS…. 👉 What do YOU really need to feel abundant? Because all of the above is the shell.  The outside…

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Are you making your leadership too personal?

Team Leadership

As entrepreneurs, we are often trying to juggle all the things to ensure our business is running in top gear – and this includes making sure our team is happy. Sometimes we focus so much on ensuring our team is highly engaged that it can actually be to our – and their – detriment. Not sure…

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Taking the time to Plan

It’s been a while since I haven’t had so many urgent things to do that my to-do list that I have had to just ‘do’, and do it ‘as fast as I can’, rather than think about what to do and how to do it. So this week feels a bit different, and it’s Tuesday…

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