with your host

Paula Maidens

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Episode #120 - Decision Making Authority & Why You Need To Give It Away

In this episode, I discuss what decision-making authority is in your business and why it is important. I share how to hand over more of your decision-making power to build trust and confidence with your team.

Episode #119 - Powerful Content: How to ramp up your visibility without doing it all yourself with Mel Daniels

In this episode of Big Dreams Great Teams‪®‬, I am joined by Mel Daniels, a Content Marketing Strategist, speaker, podcast host and author. Mel shares her insights on how to create powerful content, the importance of authenticity, and when and how to delegate content creation.

Episode #118 - Boundaries: How to set ones that work (& keep them!)

In this episode of Big Dreams Great Teams‪®, I delve into the importance of setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in your business, and with your team. Boundaries are a positive tool for creating a thriving work environment, and they will support your business for further growth and success.

Episode #117 - Performance Enhancing Conversations with your Team

In this episode, I discuss the importance of having performance enhancing conversations with your team. These conversations are necessary to have regularly when you want to improve the performance of team members who are already ‘doing okay’ but you know could be doing better.

Episode #116 - Secrets to Successfully Hiring & Managing a Community Manager with Shana Lynn

In this episode of Big Dreams Great Teams‪®‬, Paula is joined by Shana Lynn, a trusted advisor for top-tier subscription companies looking to amp up their customer retention. Today, Shana talks about being an online community strategist and shares her expertise on hiring and managing community managers.

Episode #115 -Mastering Delegation: 7 steps to avoid burnout

In this episode the host, Paula Maidens discusses the importance of mastering delegation to overcome the cycle of overwork.

She shares seven steps to effectively delegate tasks and responsibilities in a business and offers ways that you can delegate effectively, free up their time, reduce stress, and create a business that can thrive beyond their personal involvement.

Episode #114- Hiring a Filipino VA with Offshoring Expert Tiffany English

In this conversation, Paula has invited offshoring expert Tiffany English to discuss offshoring and in particular, how to make a success of hiring a Filipino VA.

Episode #113- When is it time to FIRE someone?

In this episode Paula dives into the common question of “When it is the right time to let someone go” along with all those other common questions about firing including "How much time is reasonable" "How do you know enough is enough" etc etc!

You'll hear the important considerations you need to take into account including the importance of being clear about expectations and responsibilities and giving someone the opportunity to change and improve before making this big decision.

Episode #112 - How to BE yourself at work with Cassandra Goodman

In this episode, Paula interviews Cassandra Goodman, a seasoned leader with over two decades of global executive experience. Cassandra, the author of "Being True: How to Be Yourself at Work," shares insights on authentic leadership and the importance of activating your true brilliance in the business world.

Episode #106 - 5 Interview Questions you Must ASK In 2024

In this episode, Paula encourages essential business owners, CEOs and key decision makers to focus on the quality of interview questions for successful hires, invites listeners to share and highlight hiring goals for 2024.

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