How to Turn your Team into a GREAT team and Keep them!

Employees who are actively engaged in their work are much more likely to stay in the role with your business and deliver high levels of productivity and profitability. Unfortunately, most businesses have dis-engaged employees. According to Gallop “85% of employees are not engaged or actively disengaged at work. The economic effect of this global “norm”…

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Taking the time to Plan

It’s been a while since I haven’t had so many urgent things to do that my to-do list that I have had to just ‘do’, and do it ‘as fast as I can’, rather than think about what to do and how to do it. So this week feels a bit different, and it’s Tuesday…

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The Secret to Motivating Employees?

I read an interesting Harvard Business Review Article this morning by Frederick Herzberg titled ‘How do you Motivate Employees’ . As a business owner and a coach to many clients with large numbers of employees, fighting to reduce employee turnover, it’s certainly a relevant topic and ongoing challenge for most people I speak to on…

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Should we FORGIVE our work colleagues like we do our FAMILIES?

I’m reading Business Stripped Bare which is one of Branson’s books published in 2008 and he talks about the concept of ‘family’ within business. It’s a concept I am familiar with, having being associated with the Flight Centre Group for a number of years, and seeing first hand their strong belief in Family/Village/Tribe. Branson talks…

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