Is it time to challenge your beliefs?

Challenging your beliefs is damn well uncomfortable. But when you are expanding your BUSINESS, you are expanding your SELF And when you are expanding your SELF you need to look inwards to find the resistance And face it head on We ALL have established beliefs about what we think ‘needs’ to happen in our business…

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How often do you acknowledge your team?

As a fast growing entrepreneur, you are no doubt used to setting big goals and driving an “always improving” culture for yourself and your team. So I want to check in and see if you’ve stopped to say a personal Thank You to every single one of your team? I know, you have a to-do…

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Are you making your leadership too personal?

Team Leadership

As entrepreneurs, we are often trying to juggle all the things to ensure our business is running in top gear – and this includes making sure our team is happy. Sometimes we focus so much on ensuring our team is highly engaged that it can actually be to our – and their – detriment. Not sure…

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Tired of mistakes? Ask, don’t tell.

A constant challenge I hear from my clients, is how to get their team tracking to their goals and stop having to fix their mistakes. If you feel like this, don’t worry, it’s totally normal! This is a challenge all successful, highly capable entrepreneurs experience when managing their team. So, let me introduce you to…

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Why Every Team Member Needs Goals & Key Performance Indicators

Why Every Team Member Needs Goals & Key Performance Indicators.

It’s a common question (or objection) that I discuss with many clients and prospects… “Goals & KPI’s….Really? Are they really necessary? But we are only a small business? But it’s just me and a few others, everyone knows what they need to do”. My response? YES. It’s that simple.  Every single person who is on…

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Should you offshore your tasks?

A common topic that comes up with many of my clients is “should I offshore some of my team?” This may look something like considering an offshore Virtual Assistant or looking at outsourcing your podcast production to an offshore expert. It’s an interesting topic and one that certainly isn’t new.  In 2014, I actually ventured…

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Can you delegate recruitment?

Have you heard this before: “delegate to grow”? It’s a common cry that I hear all too often.  If you’re a growing business, you may have taken that quite literally and considered delegating your recruitment to grow your team.  I can see why this is appealing – you’re growing fast, you need more support (congratulations…

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Taking the time to Plan

It’s been a while since I haven’t had so many urgent things to do that my to-do list that I have had to just ‘do’, and do it ‘as fast as I can’, rather than think about what to do and how to do it. So this week feels a bit different, and it’s Tuesday…

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