Is today the day you need to get back in control?
You’ve finally got yourself into the right flow (to and mental space to step into your CEO power and do what you know you need to do…when an email drops in from a team member with a problem.
Maybe they want a pay rise, or something has happened in their personal life or they are giving you the heads up that they aren’t going to meet an important deadline… again.
I get it. You are soooo not alone.
All my clients face this… and it is so draining.
I know you think you need to drop everything and deal with it right now.
But, the solution is to STAY in your powerful CEO energy and NOT to let it sabotage your day while also acknowledging them and their challenge.
Trust me, I know this feels hard – but it can be easier than it feels right now.
When you have the right communication framework in place you will stop getting thrown by the ebbs and flows of your teams emotions and you’ll reclaim your headspace, your energy and your diary again
If this feels like a far away dream, I want you to know it’s totally possible for you. And this is exactly what I’m working on with two of my private clients right now.
Because EVERYONE goes through this at some stage in their evolution of growing their business and building out their support team.
Let’s chat! Book in a time for a Dream Team Discovery call and let’s discuss how we can transform your team into rockstars!
About Paula

If you're growing a team in-house or online, Paula Maidens can help!