As a fast growing entrepreneur, you are no doubt used to setting big goals and driving an “always improving” culture for yourself and your team.
So I want to check in and see if you’ve stopped to say a personal Thank You to every single one of your team?
I know, you have a to-do list a million miles long, multiple projects on the go and you’re in the middle of cleaning up a client fiasco just caused by one of your well meaning team.
It’s beyond busy. I get it.
However, considering people need to hear 5 positives to outweigh every negative comment, taking the time to say Thank You is not a task to be overlooked.
I mean even if you’ve said it in the last say two weeks, saying it again, in the right way, has the ability to sky-rocket the performance of your team.
Yep, that’s right…sky-rocket performance! Now you’re listening!
Although for those of you reading this thinking “thanks Paula, I’m good, I’ve just given Mary a pay rise, so she knows I think she is great”…
You’ve got that wrong.
That’s the problem with monetary acknowledgements.
They are only appreciated for a short time and then the shine wears right off.
So what is the right way to show your gratitude? That is genuine and considered and might actually make your team sit up and take notice?
Personal tailored praise…
In a way that can be shown off to someone you love…
✨Priceless ✨
This kind of praise or gratitude is the lasting kind.
So here are a few quick tips to say thank you in a way that is both meaningful AND motivating to your team.
Because you want your team to come back each week refreshed, motivated and ready to smash new goals, right?
So do this…
➡️ Make your thanks personal (as in from YOU, their boss, about them, as an individual).
This is not the task to delegate to your VA… or if you are getting someone to help you with it, make sure the message is at least personal & specific to their relationship with you.
Think handwritten note, or face to face feedback.
➡️ Be specific. Tell them specifically what you appreciate and where possible give an example.
“I absolutely love how you make my life easier by being so proactive. Like that time you checked that I remembered Sally’s birthday. That’s one of the many reasons that I appreciate having you on my team”
Specific gratitude lands well. Generic gratitude not so much.
➡️ Make it shareable. Make their heart thump with pride by posting your praise on your internal communication channel or on your socials. (Or if you send an audio or email, do it in a way that it can be shared).
You’ll probably get a bit of #lovemyjob boasting happening.
AND finally
➡️ Say Thank You in a way that’s easy for you to be authentic (and get it done). I know you are busy and I know you probably think gratitude is for birthdays and end of year – but it’s not. That falls into generic, expected thanks.
So, be proactive. It doesn’t have to take up heaps of your precious time.
Remember, it’s the thought that counts! So if it’s a quick audio message on voxer, great. If it’s a story on Instagram, cool. If it’s an email or a handwritten note, awesome. #itsthelittlethings
And before you go, let me say one more thing
Let me acknowledge YOU for leaning into your role as the CEO of your business.
You are amazing ❤️
Now go find a team member who deserves to hear YOUR gratitude!
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About Paula

If you're growing a team in-house or online, Paula Maidens can help!