It is easy to think that things like a mission statement or values statement are only important in large corporates.
Words on a page or on a wall or drafted for marketing purposes to ultimately sell or promote more.
But, they are an incredibly important part of the backbone of your team.
Your WHY.
Your team needs to know all of this to be able to PERFORM to and exceed your high expectations.
These are the things that are important TO YOU and therefore, they become the guiding principles to help your team know…
How you want your clients to feel.
How you want the team to feel when they ‘open up their laptop’ to work with you.
And in turn… How to make micro decisions in their day to day including all those little (but oh so important) judgement calls they need to make.
A list of VALUES that describe the WAY you want people to FEEL and what is IMPORTANT will form the foundations of being able to hand decision making OVER to your team, as they’ll have the foundations to make the RIGHT decision each time.
One of my clients named this her Team Charter and it was a game changer for getting her out of all ‘the weeds’ and empowering her decide and act in a standarised way that represented her preferences and her business brand.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
✨ You may have a value of OPENNESS – and that may give your team permission and guidance to share info and to not worry about ‘bothering people’ with extra info AND it will also give permission to ASK if they are feeling uncertain or don’t have the info they need.
✨You may have the value of CUSTOMER RETENTION OVER PROFIT – which could provide guidance if a refund request was escalating or if someone was faced with a mistake they’d made which a client had noticed.
✨You may have the value of HEALTHY BOUNDARIES – which could provide clear guidance in relation to work /life blend, supporting your team to know how to act with last minute client request and form the basis of a SOP that ‘we schedule all emails to be sent between 8-6pm’ even if we are working outside of those ours
✨ You may have the value of TRANSPARENCY – and to you that may be about not making exceptions for individuals and treating every client and every team member in the same way.
My top two values are FLEXIBILITY and TRANSPARENCY.
If you need a hand working out what your values are, how to create a values statement for your team, or how to build a rockstar team to support you AND your business, book in a free Dream Team Discovery Call with me and let’s chat about how I can help you.
About Paula

If you're growing a team in-house or online, Paula Maidens can help!