Hiring Mastery - Kajabi EVG (1)

The Advanced, Time-Saving Hiring Process to Scale Your Business with Confidence

Learn the exact steps to hire with confidence, for your next hire and every hire after that.

Paula M

For Ambitious Entrepreneurs Ready to Scale

For Ambitious Entrepreneurs Ready to Scale

As an ambitious entrepreneur, you’ve built something incredible - but you know that to scale to the next level, you can’t do it alone. You need the right people by your side, those who share your vision and can help drive your business forward. But let’s be real - hiring can feel daunting.
What if you hire the wrong person?
What if, instead of lightening your load, they add to it?
That’s where Hiring Mastery ™ comes in.
Hiring Mastery 2024
This isn’t just another course - it’s your step-by-step framework for mastering the art of hiring. With Hiring Mastery™, you’ll build a team that supports your vision and helps you take it to new heights. Imagine confidently making hiring decisions that bring in top talent - people aligned with your goals and excited to help you reach them.
Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur with a growing business or an established leader ready to scale, Hiring Mastery™ is designed for those serious about building a team that aligns with their vision.


When you’re an ambitious and capable business owner, it's easy to find yourself overworked and battling a never-ending to-do list. You have big dreams and can see loads of opportunities, but juggling it all is hard.

Here’s What You Might Be Facing:

►The weight on your shoulders feels overwhelming. Even with a team, you feel alone because they’re not providing the support you need.

►You’ve hit your capacity ceiling. You can’t keep going at this pace, but you want to grow, earn more, and reach more people.

►Trusting people and letting go is difficult. When your team doesn’t perform as expected, delegating tasks is hard.

►The fear of hiring the wrong person is real. You worry that a new hire might add to your burden rather than ease it.

►You hold yourself and your business to high standards.😬 Sometimes, you wonder if finding someone who meets your expectations is even possible.

Paula-Hiring Mastery

Does Any of This Sound Familiar?

You’re tired of hiring the wrong people, facing high turnover, or dealing with employees who don’t deliver.

You’ve struggled to attract talent that aligns with your company culture. Finding someone who ‘gets it’ feels impossible.

You need a solution that’s not just about finding anyone but finding the right ones who will stay and contribute meaningfully to your business.

You’re constantly overseeing tasks that should be handled independently. Instead of freeing up your time, you’re spending more of it managing others.

You’ve hired someone who looked great on paper but didn’t live up to expectations. Now, you’re wary of making the same mistake again.

You’ve faced the frustration of training new hires only to see them leave shortly after. The cycle of hiring and rehiring is exhausting and costly

This isn’t an introductory course.

Hiring Mastery™

is designed for entrepreneurs who are serious about building a sustainable, scalable business. You’ll learn a comprehensive, repeatable process that will transform how you hire and manage your team.

Advanced Strategies for Experienced Entrepreneurs

This program goes beyond the basics of hiring to teach you how to make strategic, long-term hiring decisions that align with your business goals.

Master the CEO Mindset

Learn how to transition from a hands-on business owner to a strategic leader who confidently builds and leads a team.

Customisable, Proven Process

With over 20 years of experience in HR and recruitment, I’ve developed a process that’s adaptable to your unique business needs - ensuring you hire the right people every time.


Why this MATTERS for YOU:

Save Time and Money:

By mastering these strategies, you’ll save countless hours and avoid costly hiring mistakes, leading to a more productive, aligned, and profitable team.

Transform Your Hiring Process:

With Hiring Mastery™, you’ll have a proven, repeatable system that takes the guesswork out of hiring, ensuring you bring on team members who truly fit and contribute to your business’s success.

"Paula gave me so much clarity and helped me ask myself the right questions and actually gave me a strategy on how to hire in my business. What I thought I needed did not end up being what I actually needed. So not only did she provide me with that clarity to support a really fast-moving business, but Paula also saved me so much money in the process."

Jazze Jervis

Jazze Jervis

"This program was WELL WORTH the investment. I learnt so much about myself, my business and my ideal employee - and I now feel so confident that I have the skills and the tools to advertise, interview and hire the right person for the job. I couldn't recommend this program any more highly - you'd be crazy to try and do this on your own. Paula was an amazing support, a wealth of information and there every step of the way!"

Rebecca Black

Rebecca Black
Owner, Psychologist & HynoBirthing Practitioner - The Mindful Birth Movement

The Transformation You’ll Experience

Hiring Mastery™️

isn’t just about filling a position - it’s about transforming how you lead your business and build your team.
Hiring Mastery 2024

Here’s what you can expect when you dive into this advanced course:

📈 Strategic Clarity: Gain absolute clarity on who you need to hire and why, ensuring every new team member aligns perfectly with your business goals.

📈 Confidence in Hiring: No more second-guessing or fearing you’ve made the wrong choice. You’ll develop the skills and confidence to make informed, strategic hiring decisions that support your business’s growth.

📈 Scalable Growth: Build a team that supports your business and drives it forward. You’ll create a scalable team structure that grows with your business, allowing you to focus on strategic leadership.

📈 CEO Mindset: Transition from being a hands-on business owner to a strategic CEO. Hiring Mastery will empower you to delegate effectively, reclaim your time, and focus on the big-picture growth of your business.

📈 Long-Term Success: The strategies you’ll learn aren’t just for your next hire but for every hire you make going forward. You’ll develop a repeatable process that ensures consistency, reduces turnover, and builds a team that’s aligned with your business’s long-term success.

Paula-This is different

"What I got was more than just how to write a job description, how to hire, how to do the interview and how to onboard. What I learnt was who I wanted to be as a leader, the skills that I had, the gaps that needed to be filled. I learnt about what works and what doesn’t work. So I was able to really step into this role of CEO and leader, which was actually the hardest part for me. I highly recommend working with Paula."

Amy Taylor-Kabbaz

Amy Taylor-Kabbaz
CEO, Mama Rising

"The Hiring Mastery course provided the theoretical underpinnings and practical applications required to hire a new team member. Paula was incredibly generous with her time and feedback and provided detailed scaffolding and examples to make the course highly engaging and practical. I'd have no hesitation recommending Paula to other entrepreneurs embarking on or feeling bewildered or overwhelmed by the hiring process."

Dr Kristy Goodwin

Dr Kristy Goodwin
Digital Wellbeing Speaker, Entrepreneur, Thought Leader

What You’ll Master with Hiring Mastery™

Hiring Mastery™ is a comprehensive, step-by-step program designed to transform how you hire and build your team. Each module is crafted to give you the knowledge, tools, and confidence to make strategic hiring decisions that will propel your business forward.



Before you can hire effectively, you need to be crystal clear on what your business truly needs.

In this module, you’ll learn how to define the specific skills, experience, and behaviours that your next hire must have to succeed in your business.

You’ll also gain insights into how to calculate the ROI of your hires, ensuring you’re making decisions that benefit your bottom line.


Attracting the right talent starts with crafting a job ad that stands out and speaks directly to your ideal candidates.

In this module, you’ll learn how to write a beautifully comprehensive and compelling job ad that positions your business as an employer of choice. I’ll guide you through the process of sharing your job ad for maximum exposure, ensuring it reaches top talent.

Plus, you’ll master the art of easily screening candidates, so you only spend time interviewing the best-fit applicants, and you’ll know exactly how to respond with grace to those who don’t make the cut.


Interviews can make or break your hiring process, and mastering them is essential to finding the right fit.

In this module, you’ll create a comprehensive and inspiring list of interview questions tailored to your business’s specific needs.

You’ll also develop an easy-to-follow interview structure that digs deep into each candidate’s potential, ensuring you assess the key hiring criteria thoroughly. This skill is not just for your next hire - it's a game-changer for every hire you make moving forward.

When you’re confident in your interview process, nothing can hold you back from building your dream team.


Hiring the right person is just the beginning - ensuring their success starts with a rock-solid onboarding process.

In this module, you’ll learn how to create a clear and structured onboarding plan that sets your new team member up for success from day one.

We’ll cover everything from establishing clear expectations to creating a communication framework that minimises missteps and fosters a strong working relationship.

With this plan in place, you can confidently sit back and watch your new hire seamlessly integrate into your business, ready to contribute to your growth and vision.

Unlock Exclusive Bonuses to
Enhance Your Hiring Mastery™ Experience

When you enroll in Hiring Mastery™, you’re not just getting a course -you’re unlocking a suite of exclusive bonuses designed to enhance your hiring process and ensure your success.

bonus #1 - email swipe files

Save time and maintain professionalism with my handy email swipe files. With these ready-to-use files, you’ll be able to communicate clearly and efficiently at every stage of the hiring process, ensuring that you leave a positive impression on all candidates, whether they make the cut or not.

bonus #2 - Using AI when Hiring

Your time is precious, and leveraging technology can make a big difference. In this bonus module, you’ll learn simple yet powerful ways to use ChatGPT to streamline your hiring process. From drafting job advertisements to researching where to advertise, these tools will save you time, so you can focus on the strategic aspects of hiring that really matter.

PLUS - GROUP Implementation Calls!

For 3 months after your purchase, you’ll have access to live Group Implementation Calls. Bring your completed work, ask questions, and get tailored guidance. Whether you need help refining your job ad, screening candidates, or preparing for an interview, these calls are where theory meets practice. You’ll gain the support and confidence you need to execute your hiring strategy like a pro.

These bonuses are valued at over $1,500,

providing you with tools and support that extend far beyond the basic course material.


Success Stories

"I worked with Paula and the impact it's had on my business is absolutely incredible. I've become a lot more clear with my team. She really helped me to define the roles that I needed within my team and I really think that I've just become a much better leader as a result. I cannot recommend Paula enough.

She honestly has just been so fantastic and so instrumental in helping me to build a better and more profitable business."

Georgia Harding

Georgia Harding
Owner, Well Nourished

"You helped me to understand firstly my leadership style and from there get clarity on the right sort of people I needed in each role to fit with my expectations. I now feel really clear on who I need on my team, what each role looks like and I feel really confident with the hiring and interview process. If anyone is looking to get support in their business with recruitment Paula is the lady! Go to her because she will support you all the way. I have absolutely loved working with you"

Kelly McHugh

Kelly McHugh
Founder, Digital Yoga Academy


Hiring Mastery 2024

is for you if...

✅ You're an entrepreneur and you want to grow a business that functions beyond you.

✅ You’re an action taker who wants to enjoy your business and you know you need the right team around you to make that happen.

✅ Your mind is open and you are ready to delegate and hand over more tasks to free up your time.

✅ You’re ready to learn a powerful, repeatable process so you can feel super confident making your next hire on your own (while being supported by a proven hiring system you can trust).

Hiring Mastery 2024

is NOT for you if...

❌ You’re at the very beginning of your business journey and haven’t yet established a solid foundation, this course may be too advanced.

❌ You’re looking for a quick fix or aren’t ready to commit to a strategic approach, this course may not be the best fit.

❌ Your business isn't yet profitable, or you’re not ready to invest time and resources into building a strong team.

❌ You’re looking to completely outsource your hiring process without being involved.

Specific Challenges You Might Be Facing:

►Are you a business owner who has struggled with high turnover and is ready to build a team that stays?

►Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by daily operations and need a right-hand person you can trust to take your business to the next level?

►Have you hired people before who didn’t align with your company’s culture or vision?
► Are you ready to step into your role as a CEO and focus on strategic growth while your team handles the day-to-day tasks?

If any of these resonate with you, then Hiring Mastery™ is designed specifically for you.


Meet Your Hiring Expert: Paula Maidens

Hi, 👋 I’m Paula Maidens – a serial entrepreneur, business consultant, speaker, and hiring & leadership expert with over 20 years of experience in HR, recruitment, and business consulting.

I’ve started 3 businesses in the last 14 years, and I’ve interviewed thousands of candidates for my own teams and for others. Along the way, I’ve developed a deep understanding of what it takes to build a team that truly supports and drives business growth.

Specialising in small businesses since 2015, I’ve crafted a practical, easy-to-follow system designed to help entrepreneurs like you avoid the common pitfalls of hiring. My mission is to empower you to step confidently into your role as a strategic CEO, capable of making smart, effective hiring decisions that align with your vision and scale your business without the stress and overwhelm.

Building the right team is the cornerstone of a thriving, sustainable business. That’s why I’m dedicated to showing you how to find, engage, and motivate the right people to join you on your journey. My methods aren’t just theoretical - they’re tried and tested, tailored specifically for small businesses, and designed to be easy to implement.

When you join Hiring Mastery™, you’ll get straightforward, no-fluff advice and guidance, ensuring you have the tools and confidence to build the dream team you need to take your business to the next level. You’ve got big dreams, and I’m here to help you make them a reality.

Let’s go!

Questions? Get some answers here

Your Investment:

Your Investment:

in Hiring Mastery™

Investing in Hiring Mastery™ means investing in your business’s long-term success. A bad hire can cost thousands of dollars in lost time, productivity, and resources. This program equips you with the tools to avoid those costly mistakes and build a high-performing team that drives your business forward.


AU $999
  • INSTANT ACCESS to 4 modules, pre-recorded and ready for you to dive into immediately (VALUE $1,999)
  • JOIN GROUP IMPLEMENTATION CALLS for 3 months to get your questions answered and receive personalised guidance (Value $3,000)
  • 12-MONTH ACCESS to the learning modules, templates and examples, so you can revisit and refine your skills as your business grows (Value $999)
  • BONUS AI TRAINING to learn how to use Chat GPT to streamline your hiring process and save time (Value $197)
  • BONUS EMAIL SWIPE FILES so you can respond to applicants with ease and professionalism using these ready-to-use templates (Value $97)
  • UPFRONT PAYMENT BONUS: Receive a 45 min 1:1 call with Paula for personalised support tailored to your business (Value $1,250)
  • TOTAL VALUE >> $7,500


6 x AU $175 per month
  • INSTANT ACCESS to 4 MODULES pre-recorded and ready for you to start learning right away (Value $1,999)
  • JOIN GROUP IMPLEMENTATION CALLS FOR 3 MONTHS to get your questions answered and receive tailored support (Value $3,000)
  • 12-MONTH ACCESS to the learning modules, templates and examples, so you can revisit and refine your skills as your business grows (Value $999)
  • BONUS AI TRAINING showing you how to use Chat GPT to make your hiring process easier (Value $197)
  • BONUS EMAIL SWIPE FILES so you can respond to applicants with ease and professionalism using these ready-to-use templates (Value $97)
  • TOTAL VALUE >> $6,250

As Trusted By


"Paula is an amazing business coach for anyone with staff and looking to manage processes more efficiently. She’s an excellent recruitment strategist. Changing the recruitment approach and putting some of the frameworks into practice has really given me a lot more time, and made the process easier to select people as only the right people are responding to the job ad. It has definitely given me more time and money."

Jane McFadden

Jane McFadden
Director, Body and Mind

"My business has grown from a team of 9 to 20 and my turnover has almost tripled. Paula has been one of the best people that I have worked with. Her advice is bang on, it's practical and the way she helps you to use language to communicate and lead is amazing. She gave me permission to build my dream business and team. She is the best investment I've ever made when I think of the return I'm going to get on this in the long term. Thank you!"

Sarah Parkinson

Sarah Parkinson
Director, Diverse Bookkeeping

"Working with Paula was exactly what our 7 figure company needed. She was extremely knowledgeable with every detail of the hiring process and guided us to dial that in for not only the position we were looking to fill but also for future hires as well. Her "just because you can, should you" question was a brilliant way of allowing us to stay in our zone of genius and outsource the things that support our business to continue to thrive. Her process is clear, concise and makes scaling your team super easy and fun!"

Keeli Martinez

Keeli Martinez
7-figure Business & Manifestation Mentor

Ready to Transform Your Hiring Process and Scale Your Business?

You’ve built something amazing, but you need the right team by your side to take it to the next level. Hiring Mastery™ gives you the proven process and confidence to make strategic hiring decisions that align with your vision and drive your business forward.

Don’t let hiring challenges hold you back. With Hiring Mastery™, you’ll have everything you need to build a team that supports your growth and sets you up for long-term success.

Spots Are Limited - Act Now! 👇

Spots for the personalised 1:1 session are limited, and the bonuses won’t last forever. Now is the time to take control of your hiring process and secure your place in Hiring Mastery.

Join the hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who have transformed their businesses with Hiring Mastery™.

Take the Next Step - Your Dream Team Awaits