Episode 125 - Unlocking the Secrets to A High Performance Culture

Why You’ve Got To Listen To Today’s Episode:

In this episode, I discuss the relationship between a high-performing team and culture. There are many different ways of looking at this and I explore ‘does high performance come from a good culture?’ Or, ‘does culture drive high performance?’


I explore how they are interdependent, with each influencing and reinforcing the other. I talk about why it is important to look at both because an awesome culture does not form itself, it is formed by you as the leader and the rest of your team.


I share some real-life examples and questions to support you in assessing your team’s performance and the culture in your business so that you can make the changes you need to have a thriving team.



  • What the relationship between high performance and culture is. 
  • How high performance and culture influence and reinforce each other.
  • How a strong culture shapes attitudes and behaviors, laying the foundation for high performance.
  • How high performance drives a positive culture by encouraging communication, collaboration, and innovation.
  • To create a thriving team, it is important to focus on both culture and high performance.



00:00 Introduction: The Relationship Between High Performance and Culture

05:20 How High Performance Drives a Positive Culture

11:48 Conclusion: The Interdependence of High Performance and Culture




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with Paula Maidens