Episode 124 - Why These 5 Words are Music To My Ears

Why You’ve Got To Listen To Today’s Episode:

In this episode, I discuss the importance of fostering an environment in your business where team members feel empowered to take initiative and make decisions, particularly in busy or peak times.


I talk about why giving permission and creating psychological safety for team members is important for your business, and how it allows them to make executive decisions and show initiative. I talk about the significance of team members feeling comfortable to make decisions and discuss the concept that mistakes are inevitable, and valuable for your business growth. 


I share some personal examples where my team members' proactive decisions have been both successful and unsuccessful, and talk about how to support your team members through the learning process. I highlight the importance of clarifying roles, decision-making processes, and boundaries to minimise errors and maximise your team’s performance.



  • How to foster an environment where team members feel empowered to take initiative and make decisions.
  • Why giving permission and creating psychological safety for team members is important for your business.
  • How to have team members that feel comfortable to make decisions.
  • Why mistakes are inevitable, but are valuable for your business growth. 
  • How to clarify decision-making scope and set limits and boundaries.
  • Examples where team members' proactive decisions have been both successful and unsuccessful.
  • How to invest in improving your team’s performance and your leadership effectiveness.



00:00 Introduction and Overview

07:43 Creating Psychological Safety

13:24 Learning from Mistakes

26:48 Introducing Elevate: Investing in Team Performance



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with Paula Maidens