with your host

Paula Maidens

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Episode 70 - Why your GUT health is affecting your performance at work with Dr Heather Finley

Today I chat with the amazing Dr Heather Finley, a registered dietician and gut health specialist, about how your gut health may be affecting your performance at work and in life.

We talk about healthy gut bacteria and how it can prevent diseases and infection and how it can make us more resilient to stress - an extremely valuable asset for busy entrepreneurs!

If you haven’t thought about how your gut health may be affecting your productivity, I encourage you to be open and take in the valuable wisdom that Dr Heather Finley has to offer. We share some simple ideas you can use right away to easily create more variety in your life, and I hope that today’s episode will support you to take steps to enhance your performance as you grow your business.

Episode 69 - Team VALUES and why they are critical to a High Performing Team

Today we're talking about team values and how having a value statement plays a critical part in building a high performing team. Whether you’re a small business owner or a large corporate, defining your guiding principles is vital and will really support your team to meet and exceed your highest expectations.

Episode #68 - BEHIND THE SCENES of re-hiring a key person into my business

In today’s episode, I get personal and give you another behind the scenes look into how I run my business. I share my process for re-hiring a key person, what my hiring mastery method is all about, and the 5 important recruitment lessons I have learnt over the years.

Episode #67 - What you need to know to LEAD in a POWERFUL + GRACEFUL way

Today’s topic is leadership. In particular, what does a POWERFUL and GRACEFUL leader look like? How do you need to act and react to be both powerful and graceful? In this episode I talk about how to step up into power as a CEO and share 4 common leadership traits that prevent CEO’s leading with authentic power.

Episode #66 - Feeling BUSY? Ask yourself these 3 easy questions

I give you a behind-the-scenes look at what’s going on for me in my business. In particular, how I’m working through this really strong sense of being busy.  I share the questions I’m asking myself to reflect on this state of busyness, and urge you to ask yourself these questions too if you’re in the thick of a busy business.

Episode #65 - 5 Tips to Get Hiring RIGHT in 2023

In today’s episode I’m gifting you, as entrepreneurs and business owners, my top 5 tips to hire right this year. Consider this your cheat sheet to bypass the hiring hassles and nail your choice when it comes to hiring your first (or next) team member. For your business to truly thrive, it’s critical to get your team right.

Episode 64 - "The top digital distractions facing every entrepreneur and what to do about it with Dr Kristy Goodwin

I’m thrilled to be speaking to the incredible Dr Kristy Goodwin, a digital wellbeing and productivity expert. She shares the top digital distractions all entrepreneurs are facing & practical suggestions for how we can implement digital boundaries, so you can feel less stressed, burnt out and kiss goodbye to the feeling of being ‘always on’.

Episode #63 - 13 Leadership Lessons from 13 Years in Business

I refreshed my earlier 11 lessons episode and am sharing my top 13 lessons on all things hiring, leadership, creating your dream team and general tips for being in business. From creating an ‘always improving’ culture to never underestimating the power of systems, I dive into the big lessons that have really made an impact on my life and business. I talk about using time wisely, the value of a great mentor, why specificity is the secret to success, and loads more.

Episode #63 - 13 Leadership Lessons from 13 Years in Business

Today’s episode  is a recast of my super popular chat with the fabulous Melissa Froehlich. We discuss what to do when the operations side of your business feels heavy after the initial buzz of growing fades and overwhelm creeps in, as you're "too busy" juggling all the balls. It's the perfect time of year to revisit this important conversation so you checkin and reset to avoid the heaviness in 2023.

Episode #61 - The BIGGEST client lesson I want every entrepreneur to know for 2023

Leading a team well, innovating in business and getting the growth profit you desire, doesn’t come without the ability to look in the mirror and challenge yourself to be the best leader you can be - powerful and graceful as you lead your business and team. So in today’s episode I share the common challenges my clients experienced last year and the lesson in each of them.

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